Computer Graphics

Computer graphics uses digital images to create a visual representation of a design, such as in architecture, engineering, or product design. It can be used in any field that requires creative and technical illustration.

Computer Graphics refers to several things:

The manipulation and the representation of the image or the data in a graphical manner.

Various technology is required for the creation and manipulation.

Digital synthesis and its manipulation.

Types of Computer Graphics

Raster Graphics: In raster, graphics pixels are used for an image to be drawn. It is also known as a bitmap image in which a sequence of images is into smaller pixels. Basically, a bitmap indicates a large number of pixels together.

Vector Graphics: In vector graphics, mathematical formulae are used to draw different types of shapes, lines, objects, and so on.


Computer Graphics are used for an aided design for engineering and architectural system- These are used in electrical automobiles, electro-mechanical, mechanical, electronic devices. For example gears and bolts.

Computer Art – MS Paint.

Presentation Graphics – It is used to summarize financial statistical scientific or economic data. For example- Bar chart, Line chart.

Entertainment- It is used in motion pictures, music videos, television gaming.

Education and training- It is used to understand the operations of complex systems. It is also used for specialized system such for framing for captains, pilots and so on.

Visualization- To study trends and patterns. For example- Analyzing satellite photo of earth.